Tuesday, June 24, 2014

10 reasons why you must attend the Day of Innovation conference!

Day of Innovation - August 28 - Indianapolis, IN

10. “Either you choose to innovate or to commoditize” - Charlie McTargett, 2013 Day of Innovation keynote speaker and VP Product Development at Delta Faucet.

9. Network with others who share an innovation mindset.

8. Event you don’t want to miss because everybody is going to talk about it.

7. Challenge the status quo in your organization and learn from Indiana’s innovation thought leaders.

6. Educate your employees about innovation at a low cost (only $200 compared to other conferences of $1000+).

5. Because we don’t believe in the conventional way of thinking, our panel will bring an espresso shot of disruption to challenge the status quo. Expect (good) chaos.

4. Learn how to be innovative well beyond product development: marketing, customer experience, future planning, competitive intelligence, company culture, mindset.

3. Your competitors have already registered. What are you waiting for?

2. This will change the way you think about innovation in your organization.

1. Expose yourself to new perspectives you’ve not considered before.

Register now!

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